about us.
In 1987 Rocky Mountain Bio Products started with one organic product called “Biosol”, a natural organic product. Over several years we slowly added other high quality products to our product line. Biosol Forte was added as an economical alternative to Biosol, while producing the same great results. Earthgreen’s Menefee Humate, a micro nutrient and trace element product, was added to allow us to supply these important micro nutrients for those plant and soils that need it.
In early 2003 Mycorrhizae became an important amendment that is a vital fungi necessary for plant establishment and plant growth. This fits directly into our product line because the Dry Mycellium that makes up our Biosol product is the vegetative source for mycorrhizae. The synergy from these products allows us to be able to customize and meet the needs of any project large or small. Lastly, our Chemstar Startak product line allows our customers the ability to have an economical plant based organic tackifier that is used where erosion control is critical when hydro-seeding or soil protection is needed.
Often used to ensure seed to soil contact, it is one of the only tackifiers encompassing some small fertilizing elements. With these high quality and economical products we are able to customize fertilizers and soil amendments for any project large or small. Our products have all been research tested in the laboratory and in the field. Today we are reclaiming some of the worst soils around the world. We are able to provide a top soil alternative where we can fix your current dirt to create a productive soil full of beneficial bacterial and fungal biomass with nutrients for soil plants. We are always continuing to keep our eyes open to any new natural products that are beneficial for soil and plant health so that we can share our knowledge and information with our clients.
News, Articles and Upcoming Products

Soil Erosion Magazine – Nov/Dec 2015 Issue
Rebuilding From the Ashes – Wildfire Reclamation

Land & Water Magazine Mar/April 2015 Issue
Damage Control from “FOD”

Erosion Control Magazine Jan/Feb 2011 Issue
Meeting Mother Nature on Her Own Turf – Seed, Mulch, & Soil Amendments Go Far

Erosion Control Magazine – Jan/Feb 2012 Issue
Hydorseeding Challenges, Hydroseeding Solutions
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